Call for Papers

The conference provides the premier forum for the presentation of technological advances and research results in the fields of mechanical engineering and robotics . The conference is soliciting state-of-the-art research papers in the following areas of interest:

1. Robotics and Automation:
Automation, CNC Machines & Robotics
Autonomous Robotic Vehicles
Evolutionary Robotics
Industrial Robotics
Intelligent Control Systems
Legged Locomotion
Microsensors and Actuators
Mobile Robots
Multi-robot Systems
Path Planning
Robot Cognition, Adaptation and Learning
Robotics and Robot Applications
Space Robotics

2. Mechanics and Thermodynamics:
Analytical Mechanics
Applied Mechanics
Computational Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics
Heat Transfer and Thermal Power
Rotor Dynamics
Solid Mechanics
Thermodynamics and Combustion Engineering
Tribology and Terotechnology


3. Artificial Intelligence and Perception:
Active Perception & 3-D Perception
Artificial Intelligence
Automatic 3D Buildings Design
GA and Neural Networks for Mobile Robots
Hardware Architecture for Humanoids
Humanoid Motion Planning
Neural Decoding Algorithms
SLAM Algorithms

4. Manufacturing and Production:
Industrial Engineering & Management
Machine Design
Operations Research and Industrial Management
Production Management
Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning

5. Combustion and Propulsion:
Combustion and Fuels
I.C. Engines & Automobile Engineering